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(022) How it Feels to be a Woman in Ministry (Part 2)

“What? You’re a pastor?” 
“What do you mean – like in a church?”
“Do you think God called you because there was no man available?”
“Are you in rebellion?”

Women in Ministry2 [1]

These are just some of the responses I’ve received over the past twenty years in ministry when I’ve been introduced to someone for the first time. The next question (if there is one – sometimes people just change the subject or walk away!) is usually: So how does it feel to be a woman in ministry? Even though the denomination I’m ordained in (the Australian Christian Churches [2]) has always held an egalitarian position towards women in ministry, I’m still a bit of an anomaly – both in the church world and more so, in wider society.

After sharing my initial journey into ministry on the podcast last year (listen [3] to How it Feels to be a Woman in Ministry Part 1), in this episode, I talk a bit about the responses of others to my being a female pastor – yes, the good, the bad and the ugly(!) – and how I believe God is working in the midst of them. My purpose is not to self-indulge, but to offer some understanding on the challenges we face in the church and how we can work towards the vision God gave us in creation where men and women are pictured working in harmony to steward the earth (Genesis 1:26-28 [4]). It’s a podcast about being a woman in church leadership, but it’s not just for women – for whatever happens in the lives of women, radically affects the lives of men!

Listen and enjoy!

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So how does someone who thinks it’s heretical for a woman to be a pastor end up becoming one? Listen to Part 1 of How it Feels to be a Woman in Ministry [3].

What about you? What has been your response to the radical changes in gender roles happening in society today? As a man? As a woman? We would love to hear from you below!