7-day God Conversations Devotional

In Christianity we talk a lot about having a personal relationship with God, but genuine relationship is impossible without a two-way conversation.

In order to know God for yourself, you need to hear God’s voice.

Subscribe to our FREE 7-day God Conversations Devotional to learn how God speaks and what happens when we listen. Plus, receive a free downloadable e-guide ‘How to Hear God’s Voice‘ and discount on our God Conversations course.

Each day you will receive an email with video and written devotional content, scripture references, reflection questions and a prayer. Use the devotional as a starting place for your own conversations with God.

7-day God Dreams Devotional

Did you know that dreams and visions are the most common way God spoke in biblical history? God still speaks in this powerful and creative way today! The question is, how do we know when a dream is from God? And, how do we understand the strange scenes that often appear in our dreams?

Subscribe to our FREE 7-day God Dreams Devotional to explore more about the meaning of symbols in your dreams and receive a discount on our God Dreams course.

Each day you will receive an email with video and written devotional content, scripture references, reflection questions and a prayer. Use the devotional as a starting place for your own conversations with God.

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