2025 Holiday Playlist (1200x800px)

2025 Holiday Podcast Playlist


Catch up on a podcast you missed in 2024 or replay your favourites as you set your heart and get inspired for 2025!


(092) Hearing God and Evangelism – Dave Shepherd

Jesus’ last words on earth was to go into all the world and share the good news (Matt. 28:18-20). But at the same time, we know that it’s not our job to convict, convert or save anyone! The Holy Spirit alone works in people’s hearts and we should never try to control or coerce another person’s choices. So how does this work in practise? What role does the Holy Spirit play in evangelism?

Listen to the Conversation with Dave




(085) Our Spiritual Senses – Maria Mason

Spiritual Senses (1200x800px)

How do we hear God’s voice? Perhaps the best way to describe the forms of Holy Spirit communication is by starting with the human forms we’re familiar with. This includes all of our senses! So we can hear God’s voice, but we can also see it, taste it, smell it and feel it!

Listen to the Conversation with Maria



(087) God’s Voice and Healing – Kirk Delaney

If you had to sum up the ministry of Jesus, it would include three features: teaching, exorcising demons and healing! As followers of Jesus and recipients of his Spirit, the church should also be known for healing. But how does it work, and what role does the Spirit’s voice have to play?

Listen to the Conversation with Kirk




(089) Common Mistakes in Dream Interpretation – Tony Cooke

Dream Mistakes (1200x800px)

Hearing God in a dream can be a life-changing experience, but it can also be a confusing one! Dreams speak a symbolic and sometimes confusing language and the process of interpretation is not well understood, making it subject to mistakes and abuse. It’s no wonder the claim to hearing God in a dream is often met with skepticism, disinterest and even mockery.

Listen to the Conversation with Tony




(083) Hearing God and Mental Illness – Lyn Packer

Hearing God And Mental Illness (1200x800px)Lyn Packer thought that one day she’d end up in a mental institution. As a young prophet, she experienced revelatory encounters on a regular basis, but didn’t understand the nature of her gifting…Today, Lyn draws on the wisdom of her experience to talk about an area that is often fraught with unhelpful and misguided ideas.

Listen to the Conversation with Lyn




(093) God Dreams: Hearing God in Dreams and Visions – Tania Harris

God’s most common way of speaking in biblical history is through dreams and visions. But today many of us are more likely to dismiss our visionary experiences as the product of a spicy meal rather than a potential message from God. But could we be missing out on the voice we so long to hear?

Listen to the Conversation with Tania

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